
Pascal Le Masson is Full Professor at Mines Paris– PSL Research University, at the Center of Management Science-i3 – UMR CNRS 9217, Chair of Design Theory and Methods for Innovation (DTMI). He is a member of the National Academy of Technology of France. With his colleagues of the DTMI chairs, a research and education chair supported by a dozen of industrial partners, he works on generative processes, design-oriented management and the design of transitions.

He co-chairs (with Eswaran Subrahmanian, Carnegie Mellon Univ.) the “Design Theory” Special Interest group of the Design Society. He has published, with Benoit Weil and Armand Hatchuel, “Strategic Management of Innovation and Design” (Cambridge University Press, 2010) and “design theory” (Springer, 2017) and several papers in international top-level journals.

Les prochaines formations de Pascal Le Masson